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Ask Our Specialists

All questions are answered by U.S. based licensed and experienced insurance professionals.

Q:please if your company have travel assurance that covers kilimanjaro summit and safari en tanznania?from the day 01/30/2019 to 02/17/2019,thanks

Thank you for contacting Insubuy for your insurance needs. There is not a plan that we can offer to non U.S. residents. If you have any additional questions please contact our office

Q:I arrived to the US on K1 visa and got married to an american citizen on September 28th 2018. I would like to purchase a health insurrance but I am still waiting for my green card/pernament residence. I live in IL and that will be my first insurance since the last one I had was back in Poland. What are my options?

Thanks for your reply. Based on the information provided we would suggest the International Major Medical plan. You may also purchase over the phone by contacting our office at (866) INSUBUY. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Q:Hi I am 31 y.o. Filipina resident in Dubai, UAE. I just want to know if you have plan that can cover pre exisiting condition (ruptured fallopian tube & will need laparoscopy) surgery will be in India, UAE or Philippines. please kindly let me know. thank you.

There are no temporary plans on the market, that will cover pre-existing conditions. Some plans will have any acute onset benefit, which is a possibility of coverage in certain unexpected emergency situations due to a pre-existing conditions based on the attending physicians report. However, what you are describing below, would not fall under that type of benefit. If you have any additional questions, please let us know.

Q:I have graduated recently from US University. Currently on OPT looking for Insurance. Please advice. I have been in the US for 17 months.

We would recommend the Patriot Plans from the OPT section of our website. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact our office.

Q:What are meant by pre existing conditions? Do you have a list of what is meant by that. For say, I don't have any Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Thyroid nor any Kidney, heart or other ailments. How will you differentiate the future health conditions with pre-existing conditions? It shouldn't be a case where I get enrolled into the plan and the insurer reject my claim towards some illness in the future that this ailment falls under pre-existing. Please clarify.

Below I have attached our FAQ from the Guide on our website which explains pre-existing conditions, and provides some examples for you to review. Pre Existing Medical Conditions FAQ Please let us know if you have any additional questions, or any need any further assistance.

Q:If I don't have ACA coverage insurance for 2019 year, will I have to pay penalty when I file tax returns for 2019? And do you provide medical insurance which are not covered under ACA. If yes, what are the different healthcare/Medical plans do you have for family of 3?

As per our knowledge there is no penalty for 2019, this would affect your taxes in 2020. To know more information regarding your tax obligations, we would recommend speaking with your tax adviser. You may purchase a short term health insurance plan option. One option we have available is the National General. Please keep in mind this plan is not ACA-compliant. It will primarily cover you for any new illness, injury or accident which occurs after the effective date of the policy. It will not cover pre-existing conditions, routine doctors' visits, or preventative treatments such as immunizations. Please use the link to view this plan and purchase:National General.

DISCLAIMER: Information presented in our Questions and Answers section is generic and was deemed to be accurate at the time of response. Please use the answers as a guide and do not make decisions based on the answers. The answers presented may be outdated and altogether inaccurate currently or not relevant as the details provided such as the insurance terms and conditions, plan benefits, eligibility and coverage may have changed. Insubuy assumes no responsibility for relying on such answers. You should review the latest certificate wording of the insurance policy (available on this website) for the product you are considering for the latest and complete details. If there is any conflict between the answers provided here and the certificate wording, the details of the certificate wording will prevail.

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Prices are regulated by law.

You cannot find a lower price anywhere for the same product.

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Why buy insurance from Insubuy?

Same Price. Better Service.®

There are many advantages in purchasing from Insubuy and no disadvantages.

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Visiting USA?

Healthcare costs are very high in the U.S.

Buy U.S. based visitors insurance and enjoy your trip.

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Traveling abroad?

Did you know that your insurance may not cover you abroad or that it may only provide limited coverage?

Purchase travel medical insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation.

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New immigrant to USA?

You are not eligible to enroll in Medicare for the first 5 years.

Purchase new immigrant medical insurance to bridge the gap.

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Going on a vacation?

You could lose your non-refundable trip costs if you had to cancel your trip.

Buy a trip cancellation insurance package plan and be worry-free.

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Are you an exchange visitor to USA?

The U.S. Department of State requires all J visa holders to purchase compliant insurance.

Buy J visa medical insurance to meet your requirements.

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Traveling to Europe?

Schengen countries require most non-US citizens to purchase Schengen visa insurance.

Make an instant purchase online and get instant visa letter.

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Traveling frequently throughout the year?

You don't need to purchase travel insurance for every trip.

Purchase annual multi trip travel insurance for your travels.

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International student in the U.S.?

Most schools require international students to purchase health insurance.

Purchase international student health insurance that meets most school requirements.

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