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All questions are answered by U.S. based licensed and experienced insurance professionals.

Q:visitor insurance for mother in law coming to USA My mother-in-law will be visiting USA in June. She will be here for four months. She is around 72 years old. She doesn't have pre-existing conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hasn't been seen by a doctor for heart conditions, and haven't been to a doctor for at least one year. I am wondering what is the best insurance and what is covered and not covered?

Thank you for your interest in purchasing insurance through us. As a broker, we provide insurance from many companies. Essentially all the plan fall into two categories. Fixed plan and comprehensive plan. Fixed plan cost less and provide limited coverage. While comprehensive plans cost more and provide better Coverage. Under fixed category, you can purchase Visitors Care plan. Visitors Care brochure, instant purchase link, /visitors-care-insurance/ Under comprehensive category. You can purchase Patriot America . Patriot America brochure, instant purchase link, /patriot-america-lite-insurance/ You can also visit our website at Please enter appropriate criteria. You will find many plans and you can also compare them side by side. We always advised to purchase comprehensive plan. Because what is covered it's same but how much it covers that is the difference between fixed and comprehensive plan. Insurance will pay for any new accidents and new illnesses that occur after the effective date of the policy. Insurance Plans will not cover any preexisting conditions or preventative care. However, Some plan will provide coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions. More information on acute onset of pre-ex at, /visitor-insurance-acute-onset-of-pre-existing-conditions/ Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

Q:US citizen family returning to USA; insurance needed Dear Insubuy Team This is an urgent query as our 2-year-old daughter is due to fly to the USA on Wednesday with her grandmother from our home in Dubai, UAE. We have just discovered that the insurance company we were going to use does not cover US citizens in the USA. Thank you so much for responding to our questions at your earliest convenience. Please may I explain my family?s situation, and ask your advice regarding the best way to ensure we all have health care coverage during our several months of stay in the USA this summer? WHO WE ARE: My family currently live in the United Arab Emirates. My husband is a 41-year-old British citizen, I will turn 36 in June, our older daughter will be 3 at the end of May, and we have a newborn daughter who was born on April 29. I and our daughters are US citizens and have US passports. I am also a British citizen and our daughters are eligible for British citizenship but none of us have a British passport. The reason our request is complex is because we need good coverage for different members of the family for different lengths of time. My husband is changing jobs this summer so we currently have no company health coverage during the summer months. OUR PLANS: My older daughter (currently 2, but turning 3 in May) will be going to the USA with her maternal grandmother on May 19. She will return to the UAE on October 7 ? so almost 5 months in the USA. At this stage, we have no plans for her to visit a different country. I will travel to the USA with our newborn daughter sometime near the beginning of June, when the doctors have given us both the go-ahead to travel. At this point, we have not yet booked our flights, but we think it will probably be around June 3. We will return to the UAE on October 7 with our older daughter ? so about 4 months in the USA. At this stage, we have no plans to visit a different country. My husband will then be travelling at the end of June or beginning of July to join us in the USA. He will return to the UAE on about August 15 and at some point (either on the outbound or return trip) he will visit his parents in the UK for a few days. His total time in the USA will be about 7 weeks. As he is moving to a new teaching job in the UAE, he and we are between jobs and therefore between insurance policies and will not have any health/travel insurance until he starts his new job on August 21, 2016. OUR QUESTIONS: 1) Are you able to provide coverage for our travels to the USA? What would be the best way to cover all my family for all the times we are in the USA? 2) If so, should we get one family insurance policy or buy separate insurance for: a) my older daughter; b) myself and newborn; c) my husband, given that we will all be travelling at different times for different lengths of time, and possibly to different places? 3) What is the cheapest way to provide cover for my family? 4) If you are not able to provide coverage, do you have any advice on options the best company to provide insurance for our needs, It is so important that we get the right coverage for our family. Thank you so much for reading this long email! I appreciate your advice and help in working out the best solution for our family. Thank you also for understanding the urgency of finding coverage before our daughter leaves for the USA on Wednesday 18 May. Many thanks.

Thank you for contacting Insubuy for your insurance needs. We can most definitely offer coverage for your family during your travels. We will break down the dynamics by individuals as 3 separate policies will need to be purchased. Daughter: Your eldest daughter is eligible for a plan called Liaison Continent A as a U.S. citizen visiting the United States. This plan will cover for new accidents and new illness that occur after the effective date of the policy. Routine or preventative visits are not available on this policy. Please use the link listed below to view information on this plan. Liaison Continent A brochure & instant purchase link: /safe-travels-usa-comprehensive-insurance/ Wife & baby: Yourself and new baby will also be eligible for the Liaison Continent A plan but will have to purchase a separate policy as you will have different travel dates from your eldest daughter. Please use the link listed below to view information on this plan. Liaison Continent A brochure & instant purchase link: /safe-travels-usa-comprehensive-insurance/ Husband: As a British citizen your husband will have more options but the recommended plan is a plan called Atlas America. This plan will allow him to have coverage anywhere outside of his home country of UAE so would extend coverage for his brief trip to the UK in addition to the United States. Please use the link listed below to view information on this plan. Atlas America brochure & instant purchase link: /atlasamerica-insurance/ Each plan will cover any new accident or new illness that occur after the effective date of the policy. Plans do not cover pre-existing conditions, immunizations, or preventative care. If you have any question please feel free to contact our office.

Q:Pregnant visiting the USA My wife is pregnant and will give birth to her son in Kentucky - Louisville, she presented to America as a visitor , can I get insurance cover her birth , and how much the cost?

Unfortunately there is no insurance for an international visitor which covers pregnancy.

Q:Kailash-Manasarovar travel insurance I am planning to undertake Kailsh Yatra in the month of June from 1st June to 18th June I would like to take a insurance policy . My age is 54 years Kindly let me know the premium for the same and the policy details

Thank you for your interest in purchasing insurance through us. We have sent you quote in a separate e-mail. You can purchase Atlas International plan which is very popular plan for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. Brochure, instant purchase and other useful information, /kailash-mansarovar-yatra-travel-insurance/ Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. You can choose whatever deductible you want. It starts from $0, $100, $250 etc. If you go for lower deductible your premium will increase.

Q:US citizen returning to USA: insurance needed I am an American Citizen. I live with my two boys in Singapore. My husband resides in New York. We are coming to see him for two months this summer and I need to get short term insurance. Your website suggested that I get Liaison Majestic. My questions is that I want to confirm that the US is not considered my home country as I live and am employed in Singapore.

Thank you for your interest in purchasing insurance thorugh us. You can purchase Liaison Continent plan for USC whose home country is outside USA and coming to US as visitor. Liaison Continent brochure, instant purchase link, /safe-travels-usa-comprehensive-insurance/ Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Q:Visitor to USA; insurance needed Thank you for sending me the Plan. I chose plan E "0" deductible for my wife and kind. We shall be staying in Princeton so that best package is required by them. That is fine. I have a question. It is not clear to me whose passport number should be given under 'additional information'? If that my wife's passport number who is going to be the primary (insured person), or my OWN passport number since it ask for AD&D Beneficiary which is going to be me as a spouse.

That will be primary applicant (insured )passport number means your wife passport number and beneficiary will be you means enter your name. /visitor-secure-insurance/ Please let us know if you have any further questions.

DISCLAIMER: Information presented in our Questions and Answers section is generic and was deemed to be accurate at the time of response. Please use the answers as a guide and do not make decisions based on the answers. The answers presented may be outdated and altogether inaccurate currently or not relevant as the details provided such as the insurance terms and conditions, plan benefits, eligibility and coverage may have changed. Insubuy assumes no responsibility for relying on such answers. You should review the latest certificate wording of the insurance policy (available on this website) for the product you are considering for the latest and complete details. If there is any conflict between the answers provided here and the certificate wording, the details of the certificate wording will prevail.

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Visiting USA?

Healthcare costs are very high in the U.S.

Buy U.S. based visitors insurance and enjoy your trip.

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Traveling abroad?

Did you know that your insurance may not cover you abroad or that it may only provide limited coverage?

Purchase travel medical insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation.

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New immigrant to USA?

You are not eligible to enroll in Medicare for the first 5 years.

Purchase new immigrant medical insurance to bridge the gap.

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Going on a vacation?

You could lose your non-refundable trip costs if you had to cancel your trip.

Buy a trip cancellation insurance package plan and be worry-free.

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Are you an exchange visitor to USA?

The U.S. Department of State requires all J visa holders to purchase compliant insurance.

Buy J visa medical insurance to meet your requirements.

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Traveling to Europe?

Schengen countries require most non-US citizens to purchase Schengen visa insurance.

Make an instant purchase online and get instant visa letter.

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Traveling frequently throughout the year?

You don't need to purchase travel insurance for every trip.

Purchase annual multi trip travel insurance for your travels.

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International student in the U.S.?

Most schools require international students to purchase health insurance.

Purchase international student health insurance that meets most school requirements.

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