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Ask Our Specialists

All questions are answered by U.S. based licensed and experienced insurance professionals.

Q:I need the list of doctors in the network for Visitors care lite insurance.

The visitors care has no network. You are able to go to any doctor of your choice.

Q:We are interested in a comprehensive insurance policy including cancellation insurance for our Villa booking in Tuscany. Do you provide this kind of insurance or only medical?

You may purchase Trip Cancellation Insurance from our website if you are primarily concerned with insuring your prepaid non-refundable travel expenses. We also provide Travel Medical Insurance plans which are primarily designed to cover you medically while traveling abroad. Our Trip Cancellation plans are only available to US residents, so if you are a non-US resident it's recommended to buy Travel Medical Insurance from us. If you have any additional questions or need further help with a purchase, you may contact our office at +1 (866) INSUBUY 467-8289.

Q:I want to download full policy documentation and I can't find it.

Thank you for contacting Insubuy. You may download the plan certificate wording online by logging into MyAccount. If you still need assistance obtaining your policy information, please contact our office at +1 (866) INSUBUY 467-8289.


If you are going to an appointment for a Schengen visa, you can run a quote in the Schengen Visa section of the website. All plans in the section will meet the minimum requirements set forth by Schengen countries. If you have any additional questions please let us know.

Q:Hi,I purchased an insurance for my father, who was visiting me in September 2023. He had several cases of acute onset of pre existing condition, for one he had to even call 911. The insirance certificate states that they cover it 100%, however, they rejected all the claims. My father is not a US resident so not sure he can submit a complaint on them through health related organizations. How can we file a complaint on this insurance? For reference insurance is IMG.

If you have not done so yet, please obtain the Explanation of Benefits from the insurance company. If you still believe the claim should be paid, you are able to file an appeal. Please contact your claims department for further information at 1(800)628-4664. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Q:If a group of 26 individuals living in 5 different states buy a group insurance will the individual know how much his or her share is or is it a lump sum amount? A 55 year old should not have to bear the burden of a higher premium of an 80 year old

There is a price breakdown per age group. To figure out how much each person owes you can take the total combined price of a particular age group and divide by the number of people in that group. If you have any additional questions please let us know.

DISCLAIMER: Information presented in our Questions and Answers section is generic and was deemed to be accurate at the time of response. Please use the answers as a guide and do not make decisions based on the answers. The answers presented may be outdated and altogether inaccurate currently or not relevant as the details provided such as the insurance terms and conditions, plan benefits, eligibility and coverage may have changed. Insubuy assumes no responsibility for relying on such answers. You should review the latest certificate wording of the insurance policy (available on this website) for the product you are considering for the latest and complete details. If there is any conflict between the answers provided here and the certificate wording, the details of the certificate wording will prevail.

Did you know?

Prices are regulated by law.

You cannot find a lower price anywhere for the same product.

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Why buy insurance from Insubuy?

Same Price. Better Service.®

There are many advantages in purchasing from Insubuy and no disadvantages.

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Visiting USA?

Healthcare costs are very high in the U.S.

Buy U.S. based visitors insurance and enjoy your trip.

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Traveling abroad?

Did you know that your insurance may not cover you abroad or that it may only provide limited coverage?

Purchase travel medical insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation.

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New immigrant to USA?

You are not eligible to enroll in Medicare for the first 5 years.

Purchase new immigrant medical insurance to bridge the gap.

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Going on a vacation?

You could lose your non-refundable trip costs if you had to cancel your trip.

Buy a trip cancellation insurance package plan and be worry-free.

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Are you an exchange visitor to USA?

The U.S. Department of State requires all J visa holders to purchase compliant insurance.

Buy J visa medical insurance to meet your requirements.

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Traveling to Europe?

Schengen countries require most non-US citizens to purchase Schengen visa insurance.

Make an instant purchase online and get instant visa letter.

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Traveling frequently throughout the year?

You don't need to purchase travel insurance for every trip.

Purchase annual multi trip travel insurance for your travels.

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International student in the U.S.?

Most schools require international students to purchase health insurance.

Purchase international student health insurance that meets most school requirements.

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