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New Immigrant Insurance


Questions about Bridge plan Hello Narender, I address this to you since you seem to be the person that provides most of the answers in this part of the forum. Others, please feel free to answer too. I have read the documents you have referred to on various other responses. I have a few questions about the Bridge Plan (to make sure I have understood it right)- 1. The plan has no network doctors etc. Insured can go to any doctor/group of his choice. Correct? 2. The plan maximum ($250k, if chosen), is the lifetime maximum for the insured. Correct? Is there any yearly maximum? Are there any sub-limits, such as only $10000 for surgery, only $7500 for room etc? (these are some common sub limits I have seen with other insurance). 3. I am a bit confused by the co-insurance part. Say my deductible is $2500. So I pay the first $2500. Say expenses are $11500. Then Insurance pays 80% of how much? When does 100% kick in for the above example? (assume per cause) 4. If a person has been treated for a condition in the past, and it is over 2 years since the treatment and the person is not under any medication for that condition since the treatment, then it does not fall under pre-existing condition, correct? Does insured have to go through a medical exam to establish no pre-existing condition? 5. Under the Expenses which are not included section I see allergies is listed. So, if the patient becomes allergic to something and needs medication (like anti-histamines etc, which is very common), it is not covered? Are the medications required to take of the allergies covered? 6. Paying premiums on an annual basis appears cheaper than paying monthly, is that right? 7. If a person breaks coverage because they are going to be out of the country for a period of time (2-3 months), then getting insurance again means re-applying, correct? In such an event, a person has to be incident free for 2 years prior to the new application (re-application, actually) date, correct? Thats all for now. Thank you for your time.


1. Correct. 2. Plan maximum is lifetime. Sub-limits are not there for everything, only for few things. e.g., cardiac/cancer limited to $25,000 for first 180 days etc. I request that you read the brochure at /bridge-plan/health-insurance/ to look at all the coverage limits. 3. You first pay the deductible, $2,500, in your case. After that for next $10,000, it pays 80%, you pay 20%. In your case, out of $11,500, after $2,500 deductible, $9,000 expenses are left. Insurance company pays 80% of $9,000 and you pay 20%. If 80/20 for first $10,000, it will pay 100% up to policy maximum. 4A. It does not exactly work like that. If you have diabetes for last 20 years, you still have it and is still considered pre-existing conditions. 4B. There is a medical examination. 5. That would not be covered. Outpatient prescription drugs are not covered anyway. 6. Right. 7. Yes, it is new application. No, the person does not have to be incident free. The application will be treated as if it is completed new application and all exclusions etc. start all over again. Bridge plan is available at /new-immigrants-health-insurance/ If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

i read most of the forum postings here and still have questions. my questions may be basic, but i am sure there are people just like me who want to clarify details: Regarding the application: 1. To clarify, if one chooses 'per cause' option, does that mean that each cause has its own maximum? Please clarify difference between 'all cause' and 'per person', these are rather identical. 2. 'Physical defects or infirmity' means genetical defects or defects as result of injuries? 3. Question 4d refers to immediate medical investigation or hospital treatment? I am assuming it doesn't mean just 'any' treatment or investigation, one cannot know that. Other: 1. Can outline the process of the application, including at what point one sees the physician? 2. Can one have the Bridge Plan and supplement it with another insurance plan such as the Inbound Immigrant Plan? Thank you for answering my questions.

Application: 1. Per cause or all cause is the deductible, not the policy maximum. If you choose per cause, it means you have to pay that deductible once per every incident. All cause is annual deductible. In any case, the policy maximum is for the life of the policy. 2. Any physical defects or infirmity. 3. Of couse, you can only write whatever you know. Other: 1. You download the paper application from /new-immigrants-health-insurance/ and either fax or scan/email or mail it us. Once underwriter reviews the application, you will be notified whether any tests are needed or whether you need to a physician or blood work is needed or something like. It is case by case basis. After that, you are given the offer and you decide whether to accept it or not. If so, accept it by making the payment. 2. Yes, but could you please let me know what purpose you think it will serve? I hope that answers your questions. If you have any other questions, please feel free to post them here or contact us at any time.

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