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Pre-existing conditions coverage visitors insurance for USA We talked briefly on the phone yesterday. I am looking to buy insurance for 6 months for my dad (63) and mom (59) and wanted your suggestions. Both are diabetes patients. I am trying to decide between two plans: Patriot America (cheaper, more coverage) vs Atlas America (coverage for life threatening event for existing condition). Due to this coverage, I am inclined more towards Atlas America. However, I am not sure how much Hygeia is accepted. The hospital in Danbury accepts First Health plan for Patriot but has no mention of Hygeia even though Hygeia claims on its website that it is accepted by Danbury Hospital. Can you guide me in the right direction? How do I make sure Danbury Hospital indeed accepts Hygeia? Also, can you please provide details about Citizen Secure? For this reason, I wanted to talk to you over the phone. When you get a chance (I can wait until after you return to the US), can you please give me a call? I'd really like to discuss Citizen Secure with you, or just discuss my plans with you so that I can seek proper guidance from you.


No plan really covers pre-existing conditions for visitors to United States. No company can really afford to do so. Atlas America participates in Hygeia as well as First Health PPO networks. Therefore, as long as the provider recognizes either of them, you are fine. Both the logos would be printed on the id card. I know why you are looking into Citizen Secure. It says "It will cover pre-existing conditions if disclosed on application and not excluded by rider". But in over 7 years that I am doing this, I have never seen any problem listed on application not being excluded. Therefore, it is the same as pre-existing conditions not being covered. Even when I am on trip to India, I pretty much work every day, at least partially. Only problem is the time difference. I will certainly call you back as soon as possible. I would have called you yesterday itself, but out of 3 ISPs I have got in India during my visit, only the one with mobile data card is working and it does not support my office phones. It looks like there is a major disruption of internet service in India right now due to some submarine cables being cut by some ship in the ocean somewhere.

Thanks for such a quick and detailed response. So I am assuming from your response that First Health is better accepted than Hygeia and therefore am seriously inclined towards selecting Patriot America. The only reason I am still considering Atlas America is because of the "$15000 coverage for the onset of the life threatening event on a pre-existing condition". Is this information true? Thanks for the information on the Citizen Secure plan. You read my mind correctly and answered the question I had. Thanks, I am no longer considering that option.

Atlas America participates in Hygeia as well as First Health PPO networks. Therefore, as long as the provider recognizes either of them, you are fine. Both the logos would be printed on the id card. Yes, Atlas covers up to $15,000 for acute onset of pre-existing conditions for people below 70 years of age. However, it is a new feature and not many people had experience in using that. Therefore, we have not yet received any (good or bad) feedback. You can buy either of them online at

I just spoke to Alisa in your office. She was very helpful in answering my one last question regarding Patriot vs Atlas insurance for my parents who are both under 70. She mentioned that even though Atlas suggests that their direct billing is thru the Hygeia network, they do accept the First Health network plans and the First Health logo is on their ID card. If this is true, then even though a little expensive (not that much), I would consider Atlas over Patriot. I do understand that you don't have experience with this new feature Atlas offers. Can you please confirm that claims for Atlas America will be covered by the First Health PPO network? I am talking about only one facility: Danbury Hospital in Danbury,CT Thanks and Happy New Year

Yes, Atlas America participates in Hygeia as well as First Health PPO networks. Therefore, as long as the provider recognizes either of them, you are fine. Both the logos would be printed on the id card. I hope that clarifies.

Thanks for all your help and guidance. Following up on our discussion, since Danbury Hospital accepts FirstHealth and since Hygeia has a relationship with FirstHealth to cover Danbury Hospital, I have decided to buy Atlas America (Hygeia network) for the 6 months my parents would stay in the US.

That's fine. You can buy it online at /visitor-insurance/ Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any other questions.

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