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Medical insurance for wife and son Dear Sir I am planning to come USA along with my wife and son. While i am covered with an insurance plan offered from my company (Fulbright-ASPE plan), which is managed by Seven Corners Inc., i have to buy insurance for my wife (25 years) and son (2 1/2 yrs) for 8 months. I initially decided to go for ICICI Lombardo, but after seeing your informative website through Google search, i decided to go with USA (your) plans. Based on my readings and understandings, i narrowed it down to go for either Atlas America plan or Liasion Worldwide plan with either $50,000 or $100,000, though Liasion Worldwide plan does not offer $100,000 coverage. Based on deductibles, coinsurance, network, etc., I have narrowed down to Atlas America plan. I have following queries. 1. Is my choice is OK based on the inputs provided? Your advise please... 2. The plan (Atlas America) states that it is free for 1 child if one parent is enrolled. Does it mean that both are covered with $50,000 per person or together covered with $50,000, if i go for $50,000 coverage? 3. If i want to renew it after some time, can i also increase the coverage limit during renewal? Whether it is permitted? For eg from $50,000 coverage to $100,000 coverage. 4. I am planning to take insurance before departure. So will they mail insurance documents to India address or US address? Looking to hear from you. Regards


1. Yes. 2. $50,000/person. 3. You can't make such changes at the time of renewal. 4. Whatever address you specify. You can download the documents online at /myaccount/ You can Atlas America insurance at /atlasamerica-insurance/ Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any other questions.

Dear Sir Thank you for the answers. I also want to clarify these. 1. Even if i am a J1 visa holder and my wife and son are J2 visa holders, can we opt for Atlas America insurance? Because, in a separate link to J1/J2 visa holders in your website, when i searched, Atlas America insurance plan was not available. Looking to hear from you. Regards

Atlas America is not appropriate for J1/J2 visa holders. Please look at Patriot Exchange Program at /j1-visa-health-insurance/

Is it mandatory that J2 visa holders should not take Atlas America plan?

It is not mandated the way you wrote. However, U.S. Department of State has mandated the minimum requirements for J1/J2 visa compliant insurance. Among them is that minimum of $50,000/incident. However, Atlas America provides the policy maximum only once for the entire policy period and therefore it does not meet the J visa insurance requirement. That is why you should not purchase that insurance. I hope that answers your questions. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Another query. In Atlas America brochure, it is mentioned that "Maximum per injury / illness" will be $50,000 or whatever amount we select. Is it true? Does it mean that it will satisfy minimum requirements for J1/J2? Sorry to ask more queries.

Policy maximum in Atlas America is NOT per injury/illness. It is for the entire policy. Were did you read Maximum per injury/illness? Please send me the exact URL and exact location within that. It is not true. Altas America does NOT meet the requirements of J1/J2.

Please look at the page 3 (last two rows) attached PDF file downloaded from your website. Am i wrong?

The way it is written is tricky and therefore you have misunderstood it. Lets say you buy $50,000 coverage. You will get maximum $50,000 for the entire duration. However, if you get sick or injured, the per illness/injury limit is also $50,000, and not something like $10,000. In other words, you can use the entire $50,000 in one sickness/injury itself. But in that case, you would have nothing left for the next sickness. Believe me, Atlas does not meet J1/j2 requirements. We have been doing this business for around 9 years now.

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Visiting USA?

Healthcare costs are very high in the U.S.

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Traveling abroad?

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New immigrant to USA?

You are not eligible to enroll in Medicare for the first 5 years.

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Going on a vacation?

You could lose your non-refundable trip costs if you had to cancel your trip.

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Are you an exchange visitor to USA?

The U.S. Department of State requires all J visa holders to purchase compliant insurance.

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Traveling to Europe?

Schengen countries require most non-US citizens to purchase Schengen visa insurance.

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Traveling frequently throughout the year?

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International student in the U.S.?

Most schools require international students to purchase health insurance.

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