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Ask Our Specialists

All questions are answered by U.S. based licensed and experienced insurance professionals.

Q:Coverage in Maryland We are residents of India and are travelling to Washington DC in Mid March and will stay for 4 months in Rocwille, Maryland, with a possibility to extend max -6 months. My wife is 66 years and self is 73 years. Please recommend suitable cost effective policy for both of us, explaining the features, inclusion and exclusions. Please respond giving details of your office location.

Thank you for your interest in purchasing insurance through us. As a broker we provide insurance from many companies. If you staying in MD you have limited option and most of the plan you have to purchase before arrival in MD state. You can purchase Visitor Secure- Fixed coverage plan or Atlas America- Comprehensive plan. Visitor secure brochure , instant purchase and other useful information, /visitor-secure-insurance/ Atlas America brochure, instant purchase and other useful information, /atlasamerica-insurance/ We have sent you quote in a separate e-mail and you need to do separate application for you and your wife . Meantime, you can also visit our website at Please enter appropriate criteria. Select state MD. You will find many plans and you can also compare them side by side. If you have any further questions feel free to contact us.

Q:Liaison - stand by availablity I am Portuguese. I am twenty nine years old, and I'm going to need a travel insurance, from 09/27/2016 to 10/29/2016 (33 days). I am going to travel to Philadelphia. I was looking for your insurance plans, and I liked Liaison International and Liaison Majestic. (1) What are the main differences between these 2 plans? (2) In case of a medical condition, can I go to any medical facility / doctor, or is there any medical network facilities I should go? (3) Another question: in the details of these 2 plans, in the assistant surgeon field it stated: " no standby availability coverage". What does this mean?

Thank you for contacting Insubuy for your insurance needs. These plans would work for you during your travels here in the United States. Both the Liaison Majestic and Liaison International plans participate in the same PPO network that would be available while you are in the United States. You are free to visit any provider that you choose but most benefit comes from going to in-network providers. Assistant Surgeon no standby availability means that if the assistant surgeon is charging a standby fee then the insurance company is not going to pay that fee and it would be your responsibility. Liaison International brochure, instant purchase link, /patriot-america-plus-insurance/ If you have any further questions please feel free to contact our office.

Q:How do visitors insurance plans work I had gone through the various proposals and before I decide I need one clarification and please respond. If I fall sick , go to a Physician , I understand I need to pay first consultation $100 and if the fees is more that what will be the Insurance reimbursement policy. If during my stay after sometime I visit the Doctor for some ailment, what will be my portion of liability or Insurance coy will reimburse fully. If the accident takes place, resulting in fracture, and the total cost runs to $40K, what will be Insurance company's portion of reimbursement. If I want to take at least once in a month blood check to ensure I take proper precaution on diet, exercise etc., is reimbursement allowed and if so what is pre requirement for eligibility. Looking forward to your response.

We would be glad to provide this information to you. How much you would have to pay out of pocket will depend on the plan, policy maximum and deductible you choose, as well as the age of the person to be covered as benefits can vary by age group. If you can provide those things to us we can answer your questions accordingly. I can however answer your question about the blood check appointments. All of the plans cover all new illnesses and new injuries after the effective date of the policy up to the policy maximum you choose after any deductible due or co-insurance responsibility. The plans do not cover pre-existing conditions(with the exception of the acute-onset benefit for people age 69 and younger included on some plans), preventative care or routine maintenance. Therefore, any check -ups of any kind not related to a new illness or new injury would not be covered. More information on acute onset of pre-exisiting conditions, /visitor-insurance-acute-onset-of-pre-existing-conditions/ Please clarify and suggest what policy gives cost benefit for us. I am 73 years and wife is 66 years. We take for three months and can the policy is extendable if we extend our stay and if so cost implications. Thank you for contacting Insubuy. Per the quote received there are two different types of short term health insurance plans for a visitor to the U.S. The Fixed coverage plans like the Inbound USA, after the deductible selected will pay a fixed amount for each procedure and you are responsible to pay the remaining difference. The comprehensive plans like the Atlas America, after the deductible will pay a percentage of the cost. We recommend the Comprehensive coverage plans, and to be more specific the Atlas America for your wife and Patriot America for yourself based on the information provided. If you have any additional questions please let us know. You may also receive a plan recommendation by contacting our office at (866) 467-8289.

Q:Pregnancy coverage and medical expenses for USA visitor I am travelling to Boston, US in couple of days along with my wife. She is 2 months pregnant now. Will your insurance cover her medical expenses while she is in U.S? What all would be the exclusions from your end and expenses that I may have to spend?

Thank you for your interest in purchasing insurance through us. There is no plan that covers pregnancy for an international visitor. Some plan covers complication of pregnancy up to 26wks only after that she will not have any coverage related to her pregnancy.. How long do you need coverage for her? If you need for short duration you can have this Atlas America plan. Atlas America brochure, instant purchase and other useful information, /atlasamerica-insurance/

Q:Schengen visa insurance for Switzerland Hello I am interested to get a health insurance for me, directly It is possible. I am currently living in Ireland but I'm going to go to Switzerland before go back home (Venezuela) and I need to know if I can get a policy with you. Please let me know

Thank you for your interest in purchasing insurance through us. Per your message below, it appears you are needing coverage for a Schengen visa for Switzerland. I am attaching a link with the plans that will meet those requirements. /schengen-visa-insurance/ I was wondering if I can get a visa just for the days that Ill traveling, and if it is possible for me when my resident country is Venezuela, and it is possible get the policy just for 1 month and a half and after that time renew the same policy? The plans can be renewed if needed. Some plans will allow renewals up to a year or longer. However, all plans will cover outside your home country or country of citizenship. Therefore, if you are traveling back to Venezuela, once you arrive there, you would no longer have coverage available to you through these plans.

Q:Mother in law coverage questions - Military I am an active duty Air Force member about to be stationed in Texas with my Japanese wife and mother in law. My wife has a green card and her health insurance is covered through the military. However my mother in law is 62 and is only covered under a space available basis on our next assignment in Texas. Would she be eligible for your program? I know there are a million questions u need to ask me first.. But any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated. We are leaving our overseas assignment in the next 4 months and need to know if she can be covered.

Thank you for your interest in purchasing insurance through us. Yes. We provide insurance from many companies that your mother in law will be eligible to purchase. We have sent you quote in a separate e-mail. Please check your e-mail. Meantime, you can visit our website at Please enter appropriate criteria. You will find many plans and you can also compare them side by side. If you have any further questions feel free to contact us.

DISCLAIMER: Information presented in our Questions and Answers section is generic and was deemed to be accurate at the time of response. Please use the answers as a guide and do not make decisions based on the answers. The answers presented may be outdated and altogether inaccurate currently or not relevant as the details provided such as the insurance terms and conditions, plan benefits, eligibility and coverage may have changed. Insubuy assumes no responsibility for relying on such answers. You should review the latest certificate wording of the insurance policy (available on this website) for the product you are considering for the latest and complete details. If there is any conflict between the answers provided here and the certificate wording, the details of the certificate wording will prevail.

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There are many advantages in purchasing from Insubuy and no disadvantages.

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Visiting USA?

Healthcare costs are very high in the U.S.

Buy U.S. based visitors insurance and enjoy your trip.

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Traveling abroad?

Did you know that your insurance may not cover you abroad or that it may only provide limited coverage?

Purchase travel medical insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation.

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New immigrant to USA?

You are not eligible to enroll in Medicare for the first 5 years.

Purchase new immigrant medical insurance to bridge the gap.

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Going on a vacation?

You could lose your non-refundable trip costs if you had to cancel your trip.

Buy a trip cancellation insurance package plan and be worry-free.

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Are you an exchange visitor to USA?

The U.S. Department of State requires all J visa holders to purchase compliant insurance.

Buy J visa medical insurance to meet your requirements.

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Traveling to Europe?

Schengen countries require most non-US citizens to purchase Schengen visa insurance.

Make an instant purchase online and get instant visa letter.

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Traveling frequently throughout the year?

You don't need to purchase travel insurance for every trip.

Purchase annual multi trip travel insurance for your travels.

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International student in the U.S.?

Most schools require international students to purchase health insurance.

Purchase international student health insurance that meets most school requirements.

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